Electoral abstentionism on the qualitative investigation route, the pre- grade thesis plan; an educative experience from tutorial companionship

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Lizbeth López
Amado Ceballos


The purpose of this collaboration has two variants; one is to show the qualitative process of constructing a protocol of undergraduate, done by the student, highlighting a topic of interest, such as electoral abstentionism in a social group, in a determined territory, but also highlighting the tutoring and companionship process done by the researcher, in the intention for this to serve as a sample of the researching process, and thus showing ways to overcome challenges and take advantage of the strengths in educative tradition.

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How to Cite
López, L., & Ceballos, A. (2022). Electoral abstentionism on the qualitative investigation route, the pre- grade thesis plan; an educative experience from tutorial companionship. Global Law. Law and Justice Studies, 7(21), 81–109. https://doi.org/10.32870/dgedj.v7i21.355
Research articles
Author Biographies

Lizbeth López, Universidad de Colima

Recently graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Colima, with Honorable Mention. Author and co-author of various articles and research products, as well as research assistant to the Full-Time Professor Mtro. Beloved Ceballos Valdovinos. She was a scholarship recipient in the Research Project called “The Construction of the Constitutionalization of Civil Society as a Support for Third Generation Rights in Public Policies: Democracy, Environment and Educational Culture”, financed with resources from the Program for Teacher Professional Development (PRODEP). ) within the framework of the 2019 call for the Strengthening of Academic Bodies, and in the “Seed” Program of the Study Center on the Teaching and Learning of Law A.C. (CEEAD)

Amado Ceballos, Universidad de Colima

Graduate in Law, Master in Pedagogy and Doctorate in Mexican Studies. Full-Time Research Professor (PTC) at the Faculty of Law of the University of Colima. holder of the subjects of History of Law, Theory of the State and Research Seminar I and II


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